Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Seo stands for Search Engine Optimization. This means you optimize your website in the search engines. Google,Yahoo,MSN, Bing etc... are Search Engines. So you are optimizing your website in these Search Engines. By the way 60% of people use Google. Yhe rest of the search engines share the 40% Yahoo takes up around 16%. So we really focus on Google and every other Search engine follows suit.

Getting Traffic

Now you need to get traffic to your site...this is the challenging part. There is SEO,PPC,Email Marketing, Article Marketing... These make up the sales funnel.It takes time to do SEO but it can pay off in the end.


You need to start off with a good niche. A niche is a market, A niche is actually a market within a market. For example dog is a market and dog houses is a niche. When you find a good niche you can begin to make money online. You don't want anything that people aren't buying in. You can make up niches but it takes too long. I would rather let a person do that and when it's successful I will out market him.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

One thing at a time

Are you having problems making money online? There are a lot of ways to make money online. Most people make the mistake and try to diversify too early. There's nothing wrong with making money a lot of different ways but it's better to start off with one way first. After you master that way of making money then you should diversify into something else. The reason I like this method is because by focusing all of your efforts in one area you become an expert. When you're an expert not just a speculator you can make more money.

What do I do now?

E Commerce is one of the fastest ways to make money online. If you have all of the tools in place you can make a lot of money.One course I recommend is nicheblueprint 2.0. This is not only a course but this gives you tools that are worth more than the course itself.These tools can be used in your internet marketing efforts as well.

If you want this course click on the link below it'll be well worth it.